2022 has not been particularly rich in quality, but it was in quantity. I suppose the amount of releases each year follow some sort of exponential increase, which results of course to a more difficult process of discernement. Maybe this will make metal outlets relative to the scene again, or maybe it won't. Time will tell.
I think the recipe for metalheads is to follow the opposite direction. Expose yerselves to less music. I am reffering here to the diehards explorers of the underground. Those who listen to Sabbaton and consider their music to be of quality, will always remain in this state of mind.
That is not to say of course that mainsteam metal does not have its fair amount of quality releases. Lamb Of God, Slipknot, Rammstein, Korn, Machine Head released above average material this year, some better than others, but the essence of metal is in the underground and the list follows this simple rule.
Having said that, lets dive into The Heavy Globe
20. Negative Plane - The Pact...
Had I listened to this earlier it would be higher on the list. The reason of course is its obscure, occult aesthetic of black metal. Riffs that are sharp are replaced by heavy metal riffs in a rather distinct manner. Its like listening to some lost underground proto metal band that is also time travellers and play something strange, otherworldy.
19. Blackbraid - Blackbraid I
It is almost imperative to be a one man band in black metal today. In this sense it doesn't raise any eyebrows anymore, since there is a number of this type of bands that release excellent material. Blackbraid plays "Indigenous black metal from the solitude of the Adirondack wilderness" and it is well worth your time.
18. Vital Spirit – Still As the Night, Cold As the Wind
Another indigenous black metal act, only this time they introduce themselves as "Saccharine black metal of the West". The guitars are excellent and the music feels massive, but, if someone finds the vocals off-putting it will be completely understandable. I would say they are too high on the mix, like an aggresive, hostile spirit flying above the lands.
17. Epitaphe - II
It is releases like this that remind me of the main reason I listen mostly to extreme metal. Aesthetics. It is not just the riffs, or the extremity of the vocals and I stopped reading lyrics a long time ago. What grabs me is the union of all this different intruments, along with the production into one massive entity that feels organic, real. This way, listening to an album becomes an experience. Epitaphe play death metal that is thicc and heavy and massive.
16. Spiritworld - Deathwestern
They will probably become mainstream at some point, if they aren't already. They combine country parts with thrash metal and crossover. Imagine Hatebreed/Slayer of the west. No need to overdo it. Simple, in yourface attitude. Fun.
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