What is new? Week 1: 22-28 January 2022

Introducing our new weekly column, where new singles and news from bands will posted, just to keep in touch with the endless stream of metal music.

We begin this weeks column with new music, cover artworks and release dates from some well known bands. 

Ghost - Impera.

Ghost – Call Me Little Sunshine Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

Ghost will be releasing their new album, Impera, in March 11th 2022. The first single, "Call me little sunshine" is still moving on the road that Ghost pave gradually with each release. They are indeed very talented in creating catchy, poppy rock songs that have a touch of darkness.

Meshuggah - Immutable

Meshuggah Debut Pummeling New Song 'The Abysmal Eye'

Another one of the influencial metal bands, a band that created an entire genre, without it being their purpose from what I understand, will be releasing their new album, Immutable, on April 1st 2022. 

Their first single "The Abysmal Eye" shows they are moving in a slightly slower and heavier sound, but still creating this swirling construct of moving concrete and metal.

 Sakis Tollis - Among The Fires Of Hell

Sakis Tollis, the main man of Rotting Christ, is going to be releasing his first solo album, Among The Fires Of Hell, in 2022. The first single takes us back in the late 90's era time of Rotting Christ, where dark atmosphere was their main goal, reminding the albums Sleep Of The Angels, A Dead Poem, Khronos.

 Shape Of Despair - Return To The Void

Shape of Despair - Return to the Void

Shape Of Despair return from the void after seven years of silence. This is heavy, slow, funeral doom, where despair and melancholy have the reins of the chariot. Their music is not for everyone, but I do have a love for this type of metal.The third single called "Forfeit" was released two days ago.


Det Eviga Leendet - Reverence

Det Eviga Leendet - Reverence

Det Eviga Leendet is a black metal band from Sweden. In their second full length, Reverence, they have Jacob Buczarski, from Mare Cognitum, on vocals. A relentless, spacey black metal assault. Their album can be listened in its entirety on bandcamp.

Amorphis - Halo

 Amorphis Mix Beauty With Brawn on First 'Halo' Single 'The Moon'

On February 11th, legendary Amorphis will be releasing their new album Halo. I have to say that Amorphis have managed to have a specific sound that doesn't stray from the recipe, but with each album they prove that innovation is not necessary. Instead, composing very good songs can keep one's interest in their music. For those who love Amorphis, they will find exactly what they want.

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